Evolusi KL Drift 2 Trailer

06 July, 2008

canon 40D.... my wish!!SLR!!!

-less vibrate
-legible bottom display
-MENU > Wrench 3 > Camera User Setting > Register, you can store everything about the camera's current settings to any of these three positions. Now any time you go to either of the three C1, C2 or C3 positions, absolutely everything about the camera's setup is instantly restored. I use one of these settings for my manual studio strobe setup, others use them to save Live View or self timer and mirror up settings, etc. These are a huge help to anyone who works with the camera often. The only gotcha is that they also store the P, Tv, Av or M mode, and once you've recalled a setting, you cannot change that mode since if you turn the knob you've just returned to the previous camera state. [kenrockwell.com]

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